
Andrea Krott, PhD

I am a Professor of Psychology of Language in the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham (U.K.). I am primarily interested in bilingualism and children's language acquisition.   


As part of my work on children's language acquistion, I am interested in factors that affect word learning, especially general cognitive functions. For instance, I have studied the hurdles for the acquisition of words that relate to relations between objects and people, such as verbs and compound nouns (e.g. clocktower or baby bottle). 


As part of my bilingualism research, I have studied vocabulary development in bilingual children. But more recently, I am investigating how bilingualism interacts with cognitive control, social competence and well-being.


Have a look at the Research tab to see what I am up to at the moment. 

Recent News

February 2024 - another new paper on the impact of second language learning on social cognition at primary school: Agostini, V., A­pperly, I., &Krott, A. (in press). Greater sensitivity to communication partners’ perspectives in children learning a second language at school. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728925000069

December 2024 - New Paper in press: Agostini, V., A­pperly, I., & Krott, A. (in press). Bilingual education enhances creative fluency and flexibility over the first year of primary school. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.


October 2024 - New paper as online publication: Zuniga-Montanez, & Krott, A. (in press). Late Talkers can generalise trained labels by object shape similarities, but not unfamiliar labels. Journal of Child Language. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000924000163

May 2024 - The Birmingham Language Development and Bilingualism lab presents at the ISBPAC in Swansea, Wales. Here are some photos with Zlatomira Ilchovska, Iris (Shiyun) Yu, and Paulina Salgado Garcia.

19 February 2024 - New Paper from our ESRC project accepted in Cerebral Cortex: the brain adapts to individual differences in bilinguals experience (such as language switching and duration of bilingualism) just as our UBET model predicts.


August 2023 - Yifan Wang gives poster presenation at the 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association, Birmingham.

30 August 2023 - 2 September 2023 - Lab is co-organiser of EuroSLA 2023, the 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association at the University of Birmingham.

July 2023 - Yifan Wang gives an oral presentation at the 2023 International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Belfast, Northern Ireland. https://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/psy/ISSIDConference2023/

June 2023 - Vincent DeLuca (former lab member), Zlatomira Ilchvoska, and Shijun (Iris) Yu, and Yifan Wang all give presentations at the 14th International Symposium of Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia https://www.isb14.com. Congratulations to all of you for fantastic presentations!

June 2023 - Andrea Krott gives presentation at Language and Cognition at Birmingham (LACAB) workshop at the University of Birmingham. 

May 2023 - Shijun (Iris) Yu gives a poster presentation at the 2023 Annual Convention of the American Psychology Association, Washington, D.C., Connecticut, USA. https://convention.apa.org

April 2023 - New Paper from our ESRC project accepted in NeuroImage showing how the functional neural architecture of cognitive control mediates the relationship between individual differences in bilingual experience and behaviour. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.06.510955v1

January 2023 - New paper with Roksana Markiewicz, a former master's student of mine, and Ali Mazaheri: Bilingualism can cause enhanced conflict monitoring and occasional delayed responses in a flanker task. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15863

September 2022 - Yifan Wang gives an oral presentation at the 19th Annual Cognitive Section Conference of the British Psychological Society in Brighton, U.K.: "Executive functions, not bilingualism or culture predict visual perspective taking in adults."

August 2022 - various presentations at the 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC) in Tromsø, Norway. We presented results of our ESRC on the relationship of individual differences in bilingual experience and cognitive control. Valeria Agostini (picture) presented a poster exploring two accounts for young multilinguals’ perspective-taking advantage in referential communication. And Zlatomira Ilchovska presented a poster on bilingual language switching: ERP and time-frequency EEG processes.

May 2022 - Felix Carter presented some results of our ESRC project at the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience in Birmingham: "The relationship of individual differences in bilingual experience and cognitive control"